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Submit Your Work

June 27-30, 2023 I Lund, Sweden

Lund University, AF-Borgen


CCTC 2023 Is Now Accepting Submissions!


Submissions are welcome in multiple tracks. Details are in the Call for Participation


The firm deadline for all submissions is 11:59pm Central European Time (CET), on January 10, 2023.


Please use EasyChair to submit to the Competitive Papers, Work-in-Progress Papers, Special Sessions, Posters, Focused Forums and Arts & Photography tracks. Submissions must follow the track-specific instructions in the Call for Participation.


Click on the following link to submit for CCT2023: SUBMIT YOUR WORK


If you do not have an EasyChair account, you will be prompted to create one before submitting. After creating and verifying your EasyChair account, you must use the CCT2023 EasyChair (will be published soon), navigate to ‘author,’ and then select ‘make a new submission.’ Detailed instructions for creating an account are here, and instructions for making a submission are here. Please contact conference coordinator Marcus Klasson with questions about submitting via EasyChair.


Submissions to the Poetry track should be made via email to the track curators: Hilary Downey,, Pilar Rojas Gaviria, and Jennifer Takhar,


And, Please Join the Reviewer Pool!


If you are able to review for the conference, please send an e-mail to


Thank you in advance for serving as a reviewer. Your information will not be shared beyond the conference and track chairs.

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